It’s been a year since our last post, and what a year of ups and downs it’s been. Like Ferris Bueller said, life moves pretty fast sometimes. and before we knew it, the strike was over and we were gearing up for Pinewood Futures Festival again.
The film industry is an incredible place to work, but there are lots of ways it needs to improve. Finding your way in has always been a bit of a dark art, especially right at the start, and unless your aunt or your Dad’s friend knows someone, it can be incredibly frustrating. Events like the Futures Festival are so important if we’re going to inspire new people to join our industry, especially at a time of huge growth like we’re seeing in the UK when we’ll need more people than ever before. There are so many cool and interesting jobs out there (3D scanning technician, anyone?), and until people attend an event like this they might not see a place for themselves, especially if they’re not already laser focussed on one particular aspect of production. Hopefully we were able to dispense some advice and encouragement but, at the very least, some people left having thought about 3D scanning for the first time, and that’s pretty cool too.
If you came and spoke to us, it was lovely to meet you and we wish you the best of luck in the future, and as always, thanks to the organisers, it was a blast and I’m sure we’ll be back next year.